In every endeavor you should always surround yourself with the best and most qualified expert assistance and advice. To get your home sold, it's vital you select the best agent possible – someone with your interests in mind and someone you can trust to get the job done. But even the most successful agent cannot get buyers to the table unless you pay attention to the two essentials – presentation and price.
Presentation: Potential buyers will make up their minds within 10 seconds on the merits of your property. That's why first impressions are particularly vital when it comes to real estate. In everyday life, you may get the opportunity to change a person's mind about some things. But if they take one look at your home and drive away, you've probably lost them forever.
An exterior that's tidy, clean and charming needs to be followed up with the same attention once they open the door. It may seem tedious, but your home should always be clean and polished in appearance both inside and out. Clear out the clutter, fix squeaky doors and loose door handles, freshen the paint and turn that storage room back into the bedroom it was intended to be.
Pricing: Setting the right price can sometimes be tricky, especially when you've lived in (and loved) a home for a long time. Today's market is a little sticky so if the price is too high, buyers will look elsewhere. They are well aware that they have many choices. You want to get your best price for your property but be careful about getting too ambitious unless you're willing to sit for a while.
Real estate agents have the cat bird's seat when it comes to knowing what sells and for how much. It's much more involved than merely price per square foot. If your home hasn't sold in a reasonable length of time, ask what further steps you need to take. If constructive criticism is given, don't take it personal. This is a business decision. You want to sell a product in order to reach your goal of moving to a new home. It's your agent's charge to get that done for you.
Copyright PropertySource Network 2008
# posted by
Tara O'Brien @ 10:19 AM